Sunday, June 26, 2011


all right all of my happyfaceproject fans and there are QUITE A FEW OF YOU!!!!! THANK YOU first of all for happying along with me through the month of June. I know it is not quite over yet, but I have some exciting news for you!! casting about for a wonderful thing for the cast of THE FANTASTICKS--in order to express my gratitude and love for a few weeks WELL SPENT with fantastick song and dance, love, magic and beauty (yeah ...what could be better?) a CO-WORKER of genuine importance suggested that I give them each a HAPPY FACE!!! And so I did!!! Here are the little darlings all lined up along the closing stage--the stage that my devoted son swept and mopped every show, the stage which was home to some of the MOST TALENTED actors EVER, and the stage managed by-yes, you are right-the best stage manager EVER--here they are!!! Right before I gave one to each actor, with instructions to place the HAPPYFACE somewhere beautiful and wonderful and happy, snap a shot, and email it to me so that I can put it here on our HAPPYFACEPROJECT blog!! See how fabulous and FANTASTICK life is when you ARE CONNECTED TO GOOD PEOPLE? THANK YOU, thank you, thank you--everyone.  THANK YOU for visiting the HAPPYFACEPROJECT blog, thank you for sending happy thoughts, thank you for living a happy life, and thank you for being happy.  I believe it makes all the difference, and knowing that some of you checked out the blog, wrote comments, and sent me emails made me the HAPPIEST EVER!!! Love always and look for HAPPYFACE pictures from global destinations as soon as I get them!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Oh dear HAPPYFACEPROJECT friends!!! I placed FOUR HAPPY FACES and then only got to post them THIS MINUTE online!!!! Yes! That is just how BUSY a HAPPY life can be!!! So while the FANTASTICK FANTASTICKS is winding down and THE SOLID GOLD CADILLAC gets ready to hit the stage and SOLSTICE is upon us and AN IMPORTANT ART SHOW readys for an OPENING in just a couple of weeks--WOW!!! I can still make the time to BE HAPPY, post HAPPYSFACES for you and me, and work for HAPPINESS every possible moment. So here they are for YOU!!! BE HAPPY OK!!! be happy DEAR FRIENDS!!!! 1) ON THE BEACH!!! 2) A PLAYGROUND WITH REALLY HAPPY KIDS!!! 3) THE HAPPY, HAPPY RAINBOW GATE!!!! 4) Mr. BEN FRANKLIN contemplating HAPPINESS!!! Love always!!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


THANK GAWD we still have a couple of bookstores, REAL BOOKSTORES, left in this city!  With all the big corporate bookstores running with their tails between their pages and many people reading books on their "electronic devices" (shudder), man oh man AM I HAPPY  a few real live, page-turning, print on the paper BOOKSTORES are still with us!!! This store in particular makes me VERY VERY HAPPY, because next to my KIDS, and my DOGS, BOOKS are my very, very, VERY best friends!!! It is June 17th I am pretty sure and I am still FABULOUSLY HAPPY from working THE FANTASTICKS (a most HAPPY show!!!!) and just HAPPY to put HAPPYFACE #17 in the window!!!! Love always!!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011


well, i guess it happens. could be the grey. like a too thick blanket. in the meantime, there is chocolate and dang! chocolate, cookies, and goldfish are the three food groups that keep me only a cheating vegan!! i know a little dark chocolate will help me find HAPPY again. so here we are--YAAY! CHOCOLATE HAPPY FACE #17 I am pretty sure.  Love always!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Yes today I am bringing you TWO HAPPY FACES at once!!! Not because I am lazy, oh no no no no NO!!! But because life is speeding by at the speed of life and WHEW!!!! There is barely enough time to do all of the important things!!! Forget all of the unimportant NONSENSE and just FOCUS on the meaningful HAPPINESSES in your life, OK?  That is definitely what is working for me in this particular time of my life.  Ah!!! That is A LOT of ME!!! All right, let's talk about YOU and HAPPY FACE #15 and HAPPY FACE #16, for June 15th and 16th, of course.  #15 is for you to FEAST YOUR EYES on that broad and smooth and gorgeous green expanse.  Never mind the fence!!! You must take delight and BE HAPPY fence or no fence, right? UMMMM . . . green!!!! LOVE IT!!! And #16 is right smack on the outside wall of a VERY HAPPY, very active place.  There are many HAPPY PEOPLE there!! Paint splattered, covered with glitter and feathers, and piecing and patching together every amazing and HAPPY thing you could ever imagine!! BE HAPPY dear HAPPYFACEPROJECT PERSON!!! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity so FOCUS ON HAPPY!!!! Love always!!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


This is a HAPPY DAY--June 14, 2011 and this is HAPPY FACE #14.  Written on, spot chosen, and taped up by my beloved wee granddaughter.  One of her favorite fountains, with a backdrop of roses, and the pure gleeful happiness that only a six year old seems to be capable of expressing.  Four hours with my granddaughter is more than enough to keep me going for . . . oh I don't know--about a WEEK OR MORE at least!!! She is so golden, and energetic, and positive, and spontaneous!!! She makes me believe that all good things are possible.  She makes me feel loved and wanted.  And she makes me almost impossible to describe~~ HAPPY~~!!!  Love always!! OH!!!! We forgot to show you the flip side of HAPPY FACE #14--it is decorated with FOUR HAPPY CATS!!!!


Sometimes the old habit trails of depression in my brain whisper really useless things in my head.  Does this ever happen to you?  Like . . . why be happy?  The world is fraught with misery.  Why be happy?  The morning has dawned yet again with nothing but grey skies.  Even the crows are silent.  Why be happy?  We are in THREE WARS at the moment.  Why be happy?  No matter how few animals I eat, some people still eat lamb for gawd's sake!!! But it only takes a breath or two of time to glance around and find beauty, inspiration, and confirmation of the benefits of hanging on to HAPPY.  Just looking across the street and seeing this luminous, insanely HAPPY FACE still grinning at me reminds me that I am a player in the grand scheme of things and CHOOSING HAPPY will make everything I do meaningful.  Yes, I will continue to educate myself and help in any way I can to end misery, war, and lamb-eating (and all other animals) DOWN WITH FACTORY FARMS!!!on this planet!!! In my own way, that is exactly what the HAPPY FACE PROJECT is all about--you gotta start HAPPY, stay HAPPY and positive even in the face of mass ignorance, and help everyone you know stay HAPPY and inspired, right?  I believe so.  HAPPY FACE #12 certainly thinks so.  And yes, all of your media devices are correct.  I guess I did step into that time machine because this is HAPPY FACE #12 for June 12th!!! Yesterday.  Time to go wake up some HAPPY crows!!! Love always and please do NOT support factory farms!!!