Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Sometimes the old habit trails of depression in my brain whisper really useless things in my head.  Does this ever happen to you?  Like . . . why be happy?  The world is fraught with misery.  Why be happy?  The morning has dawned yet again with nothing but grey skies.  Even the crows are silent.  Why be happy?  We are in THREE WARS at the moment.  Why be happy?  No matter how few animals I eat, some people still eat lamb for gawd's sake!!! But it only takes a breath or two of time to glance around and find beauty, inspiration, and confirmation of the benefits of hanging on to HAPPY.  Just looking across the street and seeing this luminous, insanely HAPPY FACE still grinning at me reminds me that I am a player in the grand scheme of things and CHOOSING HAPPY will make everything I do meaningful.  Yes, I will continue to educate myself and help in any way I can to end misery, war, and lamb-eating (and all other animals) DOWN WITH FACTORY FARMS!!!on this planet!!! In my own way, that is exactly what the HAPPY FACE PROJECT is all about--you gotta start HAPPY, stay HAPPY and positive even in the face of mass ignorance, and help everyone you know stay HAPPY and inspired, right?  I believe so.  HAPPY FACE #12 certainly thinks so.  And yes, all of your media devices are correct.  I guess I did step into that time machine because this is HAPPY FACE #12 for June 12th!!! Yesterday.  Time to go wake up some HAPPY crows!!! Love always and please do NOT support factory farms!!!

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