Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I know I have said this a brazillion times . . . but there are few places on earth HAPPIER than an art department, an art school, an art class, or dang . . . even a hallway of art lockers.  And here at SBCC--definitely one of the MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACES on the planet--there is a particularly HAPPY HALLWAY.  Look how HAPPY HAPPY FACE #7 looks on this locker!!!  ART=LIFE=LOVE=HOME=LIFE=ART=HAPPY!!! Go to SBCC and just WALK AROUND.  It is so fabulous there!! Like a country club in paradise!!!! You will be SO HAPPY!!! Thank you to the distinguished art professor who was kind and interested in what a somewhat odd jabberwocky woman was doing in a downtime hallway photographing HAPPY FACE #7!! Love always!!

1 comment:

  1. i am commenting myself because i loove this hallway soo much!!!!
