Monday, June 6, 2011

The Most Beautiful Tree

I certainly can understand why people sit in trees and tie themselves to trees in order to preserve such grand beauty.  OMG!!! HAPPY FACE #6 on June 6th is posted on THE MOST BEAUTIFUL TREE.  SB is full of beautiful trees, I know, and even though my camera skills could just barely capture the magnificence of this one---BELIEVE ME!! It is beyond fabulous.  This tree is so perfect and balanced and graceful and fantastic, it always, and I mean ALWAYS makes me HAPPY!! Easily a thousand birds board in it every night.  The canopy of leaves is so full it looks like a mini-galaxy of green.  I love this tree so much I can hardly say.  It is a happy, happy tree and PROUD OWNER OF HAPPY FACE #6!!!! BE HAPPY and love always!!


  1. Yes! I knew exactly which tree you were talking about before I even saw it.


    Go happy faces go!

  2. of course you did my toby!!!! xoxoxoxoxo

  3. I love trees. I cried like a baby when the tree outside my former condo was cut down by mistake.
